Take Back Your Freedom - Go Prepaid Wireless!
What is Prepaid Wireless? Why is it so great?
Why has it been taking over, and why would you want it?!
These are all great questions that are all answered here, and
much much more! Essentially, everything you could ever want
to know on this topic, including no contract wireless broadband, can be
found on this site. When I started this site in April of
prepaid was nothing like it is today! It was for the credit
challenged, and even criminals wanting to remain anonymous.
were only low end phones, and expensive per minute
Data wasn't even in the picture back then, because it was
just a
walled garden mobile Web. Smartphones didn't even exist,

neither did mobile broadband or hotspots!
The concept of prepaid is very simple;
you can get great wireless plans without having to lock yourself into a
This gives you the flexibility to change carriers whenever
you want without incurring early termination fees. It also
ensures that you're never charged unexpected overages for going over
your plan voice minutes or data allowance. You
simply add money to your account when you need it, or buy a month
of service at a time to get even better value. There's no
credit check, and you can pay using any number of convenient ways,
including credit cards, debit cards, bank accounts, or using cash in
virtually any major retailer across the country.
You can now get the latest and greatest smartphones at virtually the
same time as they launch on the major postpaid carriers, as well as
amazingly competitive plans that include every feature that you could
possibly want. Prepaid wireless is no longer a second class
citizen. In fact, it's growing in popularity so much that
it has been eating away at postpaid, and all carriers are working
hard to expand their prepaid businesses. No contract wireless
really is the future for mainstream North America, and is finally
catching up to European markets who have long since been predominantly
Why spend your
precious time
reading & exploring this website?!
Well, this
site provides the most comprehensive resource for prepaid wireless and
prepaid broadband information that you'll find. It includes a
ton of background information to help you understand every aspect of
the industry, and also provides detailed plan comparison tables.
These tables literally took hundreds of hours to research,
create, and maintain, and are
continually updated as carriers launch new programs and pricing.
Even more importantly, you won't find any hard selling on
this site. You can use it to learn as much as you want.
You can research available smartphones, plans, and mobile
broadband options that best suit your needs. The tables allow
you to link over to whatever carriers interest you the most, or you can
jot down some notes and take them with you to a store.
This site is 100%
The information on this site is not here to veer you towards one
prepaid provider vs. another, nor to sell you something. Use
it as you wish. The only thing that I ask is that visitors
don't copy any of the information to display on a different website,
and that if you like the site, please share it with any of your friends
whom you feel would also benefit from the information. You
rest assured that the content and opinions on this site come from first
hand experience having worked in the prepaid wireless industry for over
a decade. In other words, I'm not just copying content from
sites; this site was built from industry experience and passion!
What qualifies me to write these pages? Having worked in
prepaid wireless for over a decade, I
had the opportunity to
see the industry grow from a tiny insignificant market to one that is
now taking over the major carriers' postpaid businesses. I
have launched many new
prepaid products and services that grew to process literally hundreds
millions of dollars of revenue PER MONTH. So on these pages
you'll find the spirit of this first hand experience that you'll be
hard-pressed to find anywhere else on the Internet. I pride
myself in that experience and effort!
Over the years of working in the prepaid industry, I found
within the companies I worked at, as well as partners, retailers, and
getting frustrated over how confusing it has become. This led
to think
about how difficult it is for actual customers who want simple and
easy-to-understand services at the best price.
along came the idea for this website. To provide a source
information to guide you in understanding the types of prepaid
products and services that are available - one place for you to read
learn about the different options available to you, and ultimately
untangle the confusion and mess of terms and technologies. If
you're just starting out, I recommend that you read the
is Prepaid? and
Prepaid? sections. Then you can explore exciting
prepaid services, such as
Prepaid Plans, finding
Hotspot Plans, and even traveling abroad with
SIM Cards, and reading other visitors'
Contract Prepaid Wireless Reviews, and more!
My hope is that by sharing what I’ve learned over the years,
you’ll find all of the answers to your questions,
and pick up a
things that will help you as you use no contract wireless services.
If there's something of interest to you, or if you
have a
question about anything I’ve written, please don’t
me, and I’ll do my very best to help you, or add new pages to
website. Chances are that if you have a
question, thousands of
other people are asking themselves the same thing!
subscribe to my free monthly newsletter,
Wireless Tracker.
Each month it will tell you about new information that I have
added to this site, as well as summarize the prepaid wireless news over
the past month. Your email address won't be used for
marketing purposes, and every newsletter has a direct link that enables
you to unsubscribe.
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