How do they decide eligibility for free cell phone service?

My husband took early retirement due to multiple health problems. Would he be eligible for a Safelink free phone? He is not on medicaid, but does get all his medical thru the Veterans. I am still working; does that affect him reciving a Safelink phone?

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Mar 24, 2011
Eligibility Requirements for Free Cell Phone Service
by: PrepaidWirelessGuy

There are several free cell phone service options currently available: Assurance Wireless, SafeLink Wireless, and Cricket Lifeline Credit (not free, but a discount)

While the eligibility requirements are very similar, each one is offered in various locations, and may have some nuances. You can learn more about these requirements, which direct links to each service here:

Free Cell Phone Service

Mar 02, 2011
just apply, you have nothing to lose
by: Celia

just apply at safelink wireless, the process is very quick and the questions are very basic. You don't have to mail them any paper work, they will ask for your social security numbers, address and e-mail. They will check your income thru your social security numbers and they will let you know via e-mail within a couple of days if you were approved or not. No hassles. I am on a fixed income, $1,000 a month, pay $500.00 in rent, plus medical and Rx co-pays, food, transport. I don't have a car, no way I could afford one. I applied and rec'd my phone in 10 days. They mail it via post office. We all paid for these phones with our taxes, so don't think it's a freebie. In fact, neither is food stamps, we PAID into the system. Because I'm single, no dependents, I do not qualify for food stamps, but at least I got a refurbished cell phone and it works beautifully. Worst thing for you is not to try, you have nothing to lose. Good luck!

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