Free Internet Calling On Your Smartphone!
Free Internet calling has evolved a lot over the years. Here
you'll find a discussion about how it works, as well as options for you
to consider as you figure out what will work best for you. By
most of the planet is aware of Skype and its advantages that allows
people to make free calls, however, with the popularity and technology
around smartphones, there are some much more compelling options now
Making free phone calls all boils down to a technology called VoIP,
which stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. What that in
means is breaking down voice calls into data that is then routed
through the Internet. This technology didn't used to be very
reliable or good quality. However, modern VoIP technology is
generally comparable to the quality of landline calls.
The real trick was that with normal (non-voice) data, the
in which pieces of data (called packets) is sent and received, and any
slight delay between receipt of these packets doesn't really much
For example, when streaming a movie, pieces of the video can be sent
slightly out of order, and with slight delays, and re-assembled
properly without you even knowing, as our computers will correctly
reassemble them without

even noticing. However, with voice
conversations, the timely and orderly delivery and receipt of these
packets is obviously extremely critical. Certainly the wrong
make for a funky conversation (!), and any delay would make the
conversation choppy and painful. Quality free VoIP calling is
available as the technology behind it has greatly matured. I
wouldn't describe it as perfect, however, with the
occasional exception, it's pretty close to unnoticeable.
Is It Really Free?
At this point we can say that free Internet calling is a reality
because our Internet Service Providers (ISPs) charge us for a certain
amount of data per month, or we have unlimited plans. So even
we may be paying for Internet access, there's usually no incremental
cost to
using our data connection to make free voice calls. And of
course, if you're at a free WiFi location, someone else is paying for
the Internet connection. If you buy Internet at
just to make phone calls, you couldn't obviously consider that
to be free
Free Internet Calling WILL End!
As people move towards Internet-based hardware and applications to
watch movies, television, and make phone calls, there's no doubt that
the pricing models for Internet access will change dramatically.
While Net Neutrality laws prevent providers from charging
differentially for accessing Web vs. video vs.
voice calling, as overall data usage increases, we'll start
seeing higher priced Internet packages. So
with that said, enjoy free Internet calling
while you can, but keep in mind that ultimately it won't last forever.
What Are Your Options For Free Internet Calling?
Google Hangouts
is a great app for not only making VoIP calls, but also for text
messaging. If you're not a fan of Google products in general,
you really should still at least consider this option before dismissing.
I like that I can integrate all of my text messages from my work phone,
as well as from my Google Voice number, including voicemails.
Unlike the Google Voice app, it also supports MMS (i.e.
picture messaging). I do, however, find that it reduces the
resolution of pictures too much, such that if you want to post a
picture someone sends you to Facebook, you'll find that the resolution
is too low. That said, for my purposes it works great.
You can also initiate VoIP calls directly from Hangouts, or use the
Hangouts dialer. In addition, you can also set the phone's
default dialer to Hangouts if you want all calls to go through the app.
Lastly, an added benefit of Google Hangouts is the desktop app, which
allows you to send text messages via your computer (i.e. much easier
and faster to type!).
IP is a smartphone application that connects
calls using Voice Over IP (i.e. VoIP). If you have a
phone without a service plan (i.e. it has no phone number), you can
even use this app to get a phone number, and make free calls over any
WiFi connection.
GrooVe IP is a nice little
app, with
free and paid versions. The free version is ad based, and
allows you to accumulate calling credits by watching videos or
completing offers.
You can also text and call other GrooVe IP users for free, anywhere in
the world. Lastly, note that you can integrate the app into
your normal phone dialer, or you can use it separately based on your
personal preference.
Conclusion: There are a TON of VoIP apps
available on the Google Play store or iTunes. You can explore
them to find the one that you like best. Overall, though,
using VoIP to get free Internet calling is a fantastic feature that you
will no doubt find comes in handy. Lastly, note that most
wireless providers now offer this service for free under the name "WiFi
Calling". Carriers like it because it offloads data from
their expensive broadband networks. You'll want to experiment
with your carrier's service versus these 3rd party apps. Your
carrier feature has the advantage of being able to hand off to the
cellular network (and vice versa) when you're out of range of WiFi, so
keep that in mind!
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