Identity Theft Protection Companies - Preventing Identity Fraud!

Identity Theft Protection Companies can help with Fraud Alerts & Security Freezes:

As discussed on the previous page, being knowledgeable regarding how identity thieves operate, and how their actions can negatively impact your credit score is extremely critical.  Here you'll find detailed information regarding how to proactively protect yourself. Credit Score Security Freeze

Fraud Alerts -
After activating fraud alerts, when potential creditors check your credit, they'll be notified to thoroughly check your identity to ensure that no one is using your information without your consent.  This won't affect your ability to get credit, but provides some extra protection.  You typically need to set these alerts with each of the credit bureaus (or using other identity theft protection companies that set the alerts on your behalf).  See the table below for details.

Security Freeze - When placed on your credit file, no credit account can be opened without removing the freeze.  So keep in mind that you won't be able to obtain instant credit, or spontaneously open a new account or buy a car without previously taking off the freeze from your file.  I personally use this approach, and it literally takes me a few minutes to temporarily remove the freeze when I'm buying a car or getting another type of loan.  A minor inconvenience that gives me tremendous peace of mind year round!

Credit Bureau Equifax Experian TransUnion
Fraud Alert Options 90 day
1 year active duty
90 days
1 year active duty
7 years
90 days
1 year
7 years
Security Freeze Option Yes Yes Yes
Alerts & Freezes available online Alerts - Yes
Freezes - No
Yes Alerts - Yes
Freezes - Yes
Contact Information 888-766-0008 888-397-3742 888-909-8872

What to do if you're identity is stolen?

If you think you may be a victim of identity theft, there are a number of steps you should take, including:
  • Immediately cancel any credit or ATM cards that you think may have been stolen or used fraudulently.
  • File a police report.  In resolving any of the aftermath of identity theft fraud, you may be asked to produce a copy of the police report, so be sure to keep a copy for your records.
  • Contact the credit bureaus or identity theft protection companies, and request to have a security freeze put on your account at least until you resolve the current threat.
  • Fill out fraud affidavits for your credit cards and banks.  This ensures that there's a record that you are a victim of identity theft fraud, and will help to combat any charges, fees, or withdrawals that you did not make.
  • Keep good records!  Maintain logs of any calls you have with your bank(s), credit card companies, police, or correspondence you have with the credit bureaus, and save any emails or copies of letters that you send or receive.

Credit Monitoring Services

There are third party identity theft protection companies that will help you monitor your credit, and offer additional protective services, as well as insurance in case you should ever become a victim.  LifeLock is one of these proactive services that also include a guarantee that you're welcome to check out to see if it meets your needs.  There's also another service, that can help users secure pesonal information online.  They also have related products that you can use to help cleanup your online personal information that you may not want employers or others to see online.  They help you search for information about you and your family to see what's publicly available online, as well as help you remove inaccurate or private information that you want to keep private.  You can secure your personal data this way, so feel free to check out MyPrivacy Annual Plan - Save 20% now at  Lastly, Norton has entered this identity theft protection market; you can learn more at Norton Identity Protection.

Additional Identity Theft Protection Resources:

    • Call the FTC's ID Theft Hotline-1-877-IDTHEFT (438-4338) or
Learn more at the following link!

Preventing Identity Fraud

Identity Theft Protection Companies

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